I like the rocks. They have nicely filled the frame.
btw, do you watch AFC Nations' Cup? We both are in the same group... If I was there, I would go to stadiums to watch every single match.
13 Jul 2007 8:16am
@Hamid: haha,no..i don't watch it,but i do watch EPL :P Well,i don't really favor our national team,you know,they sucks,since you are a big football fan,what do you think about that? ;)
Haha, on the rocks! How do you get them to pose for you? You take very interesting images of people! Love it!
13 Jul 2007 1:33pm
@Celialee: i didn't get them to pose for me,they were taking a break on the rocks,so i thought maybe i should approach them and shoot some photos.Cheers :D
Cool shot. Love the guy to the rights facial expression. This will be my last comment in a couple of weeks, I'm getting married tomorrow and then on Monday we're leaving for Malaysia on our honeymoon. I'll be back!
13 Jul 2007 9:38pm
@josef: wow ! cool ! Congratulation on your marriage ! Hope you will have a happy time in Malaysia :D